MOSSCO  alpha
Modular System for Shelves and Coasts
Acronyms and Abbreviations


Acronym Full name Description
0D Zero-dimensional Domain of process models that are unaware of space
1D One-dimensional Domain of spatial models along one dimension, often the vertical
2D Two-dimensional Domain of spatial models along two dimensions
3D Three-dimensional Domain of spatial models along three dimensions
AGCM Atmospheric Global Circulation Model Numerical model of global atmospheric circulation
AOGCM Atmosphere-Ocean Global Circulation Model Numerical model of global atmospheric and ocean circulation
AWI Alfred-Wegener Institut German national research facility AWI with multiple campuses
BACOSA Baltic Coastal system analysis and status evaluation KüNO project BACOSA
BAW Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau National waterways agency BAW
BENTHOS Benthos Macrofauna and microflora benthic MOSSCO component
BFG Bespoke Framework Generator Generator for coupling software
BGC Biogeochemistry (also biogeochemical)
BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
CC Creative Commons Open documentation license community
CF Climate and Forecast NetCDF metadata convention
CGT Code Generation Toolkit Software to generate code, developed at IOW
CLM Climate Limited Area Model Regional atmospheric model
COSYNA Coastal Observatory for Northern and Arctic seas Data portal
ESM Earth System Model Numerical model that includes domains outside AOGCM
ESMF Earth System Modeling Framework Coupling software framework
ERGOM BGC model and FABM submodel to describe explicitly the N cycle, developed at IOW
EROSED Erosion-Sedimentation Erosion-sedimentation software developed by Deltares
ERSEM European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model plankton functional type model


Acronym Full name Description
FABM Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models Software for coupling aquatic processes
FABM0D Zero-dimensional FABM Space-unaware representation of FABM
FABMSED FABM in the sediment Modification of FABM to allow processes within sediment matrix
FONA Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit The BMBF sustainability research program
FOSS Free and Open Source Software Software that is available at no cost and is open for modification
GETM General Estuarine Transport Model Regional ocean circulation model
GNU Gnu is Not Unix Recursive acronym of the GNU operating system
GOTM General Ocean Turbulence Model Watercolumn hydrographic model
GPL GNU Public License Open source copyleft software license
HPC High Performance Computing Parallel or vectorized computing on large computing infrastructure
HELCOM Helsinki Commission Baltic marine environment protection commission
HLRN Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen German HPC facility
HZG Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht German national research facility
ICE Internal Compiler Error Error indicating a problem in the compiler
IO Input/Output Input and output routines or concept
IOW Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde Institute for Baltic Sea research
KFKI Kuratorium für Forschung im Küsteningenieurwesen Association of German federal and state coastal agencies
KMU Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen Small and Medium Enterprise
KüNO Küstenforschung für Nord- und Ostsee The German Federal coastal research funding scheme
MAECS Model for Adaptive Ecosystems in Coastal Seas FABM submodel
MCT Modular Coupling Toolkit Parallel coupling software
MESSy Modular Earth Submodel System Process coupling infrastructure
MOM Modular Ocean Model Ocean circulation model
MOSSCO MOdular System for Shelf and Coastal Seas BMBF project and software framework
MPI Message Passing Interface Communication standard for parallel execution
NOAA National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration United States agency
NOAH North Sea Observation and Assessment of Habitats KüNO project
NPZD Nutrients Phytoplankton Zooplankton Detritus Four compartment description of marine food webs
NUOPC National Unified Operational Prediction Capability Coordination agreement between NOAA and department of defense


Acronym Full name Description
OASIS coupler software
ODE Ordinary Differential Equation Equation to be integrated with a solver in a numerical model
OMEXDIA 1D model of C, N, O diagenesis in marine sediment
OMEXDIA-P diagenetic model plus phosphorous
PET Persistent Execution Thread Element of an ESMF VM
PI Principal Investigator Scientific leader of a project
PDF Portable Document Format Layout-preserving document format
SECOS Service of Sediments in German Coastal Seas KüNO project
STopP Sediment to Top Predator KüNO project
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter Inorganic and organic particles in the water column
SWAN Simulating Waves Nearshore Wave model developed by Deltares
VM Virtual Machine ESMF memory abstraction
WAM Wave Atmospheric Model Wave model
YAML Yaml Ain't Markup Language Recursive acronym for simple structured documents